ChristopheDurand dashboard
Filmmakers » Director, Editor
Christophe Durand is editor/VFX compositor and film director. After 3 years in Paul Valéry University and graduating from the Cinema department in 1997, he made his first short film « The dive ». Then he moved to PARIS to work on broadcasting events like "Le SIDACTION" ,"THE MANGA FILM FESTIVAL of PARIS" in La Cité des Sciences-La Vilette and worked on various movies as an assistant. He also wrote a feature film screenplay. The International Cinema School " EICAR" put him in charge of their Post-Production Department , and got the best results of the school. Two years later he decided to move to London, where NESSMA TV hired him as a director to manage TV shows in TUNIS. One year later, he made "The Secret of Yvette" with Mélanie Bernier, Jean Michel Portal... In 2009 he moved in New York City to work as creative Director in an Art Gallery. Also he worked as editor/VFX compositor and director on many projects, as live shooting of opera, documentaries or trailer editor for an american movie "the duel" a Donald Rosenfeld production.
Films by ChristopheDurand