Skills/Guide lines to appear in interview

1. Make your CV attractive and comprehensive and read it with full attention. 2. Reach at interview venue minimum 15 minute pri…
1. Make your CV attractive and comprehensive and read it with full attention. 2. Reach at interview venue minimum 15 minute pri…
HSEobjectives Zero injury and zero accident. To implement company and client HSE Policy. Target is zero LTI. (Lost time injury) …
Continue to breathe down to a zero gauge reading, and then hold breathes. At this point, if you have a satisfactory seal, face pi…
Never use a cylinderthat is less than 80% full. To perform high pressure leak test; close cylinder valve fully by pulling down a…
Action in the event of fire Introduction As we all understand, there must be certain guidelines or procedure to follow in case yo…
The following is a list of safety guidelines that should be used by search and rescuepersonnel in any type of search operation wit…
Legal compliance and HSErelevant requirements of act and regulation Cleanliness Sweeping of floor daily White washing at least o…
Safe work practice of hand tools andpower tools 1. Properly maintained inspected. 2. Correct type, size weight. 3. Properly …
Introduction to project construction site, checkup of machineryand equipment, hazard identification, reporting and mitigation 1. …
1. Make sure your arc weldingequipment is installed properly and grounded and is in good working condition 2. Always wear protec…