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Review: Iron Man 3

Colin Biggs

Tony Stark (Robert Downey Jr.) is in the middle of a panic of sorts. He is suffering what most would call a crisis of confidence. …

by colinbiggs

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Review: No

Colin Biggs

Over the course of history, some dictators have found themselves made into the antagonists in many a film. Some dictators just fad…

by colinbiggs

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Review: Oblivion

Colin Biggs

Not much can be said aboutOblivionwithout spoiling the experience for audiences, too much has been shown already by trailers and t…

by colinbiggs

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Review: Trance

Colin Biggs

Danny Boyle, fresh off of two straight best picture selections, is returning to the nitty-gritty genre roots he made his name on w…

by colinbiggs

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Review 'Evil Dead'

Colin Biggs

Some catering to fans of Sam Raimi'sTheEvil Deadfranchise was expected when it was announced that there would be a fresh start to …

by colinbiggs

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