Face the music

Accept the difficulties for an example instead of attending the press the controversial firm sent his personal assistant to face t…
Accept the difficulties for an example instead of attending the press the controversial firm sent his personal assistant to face t…
That means on a number of occasions for an example new presenter was making mistakes every now and then rules.…
That means take back what has been said previously for an example the college authority has eaten its own words.…
That means work that must be done immediately for an example I had love to spend one more hours with your company.…
That means experience great sorrow etc for an example as he openly criticised the anarchy created by the military dictator and he …
Usually consists of career managers who are recruited to operate the business and are accountable to the board.…
They controls management and staff and is accountable to the shareholders but it has responsibilities towards both groups.…
It has a separate legal responsibility from its owners but the shareholders cannot normally be sued for the debts of the business.…
The limited rights as shareholders over the day to day running of the company .They provide capital and receive a return.…
A business organisation exists to make a profit in others words the costs of its activities should be less than the revenue.…