Travel channel Brooklyn Waterfront Beer Festival! One Minute to Sundance London My Murree and Islamabad Tour THHG, 1792, and the Area 51 of Bourbon.… THHG at Sam Adams: Brewing the American… The Happy Hour Guys: Our newest Trailer… i am with my friends enjoying trip GTA liberty City 4 By Haseeb Blackrocks Brewing: BREW-ocracy. Project I.G.I Mission Missile Trainyard… OneSpark 2014 Crowdfunding Festival… Luton St Patrick's Day Parade 2014 THHG, Wolverine, and the Ann Arbor… Costa Rica Surf + GoPro Trip 2014 The Happy Hour Guys visit Damiani Winery.… ALASKA King Salmon Fishing eps 032 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 .. 9 10 11