Will Amy Poehler and Jon Hamm finally lose their Emmy virginity?

In the eyes of the TV Academy, there are winners ... and then there are Amy Poehler and Jon Hamm. Collectively, these……
In the eyes of the TV Academy, there are winners ... and then there are Amy Poehler and Jon Hamm. Collectively, these……
Life is a gift that not everyone knows how to enjoy. I usually see around, especially on social networks, people (especially teenagers)……
A husband is a heavy drinker, his wife do not know how to make him drink less, She immediately invites a doctor to explain the harmful……
It could get a lot worse for director Bryan Singer! And to top it off, his "X-Men: Days of Future Past" is opening in just a……
Jack Tew and Sorcha Anglim contacted me not long ago to preview their latest film and give 'honest feedback'. HONEST FEEDBACK they……
I'm going to write this purely to log a technique for motivating me to write something! Its true...I haven't made a film since……
Merhaba film yapımcıları! Aşağıda kısa filmim Kyle için olan film açıklamam. 2010 yılında bu açıklamayı……
We are all aware to the stereotypes associated with Chinese practices of raising children in comparison to the American methods. A……
Hey budding filmmakers! Below is an example of a treatment for my short film KYLE found here. This is the treatment I used to present……
Amy Adams is a sweetheart! I love love love her! Not only is she a fantastic actress, she’s also down-to-earth and……
GUESS WHO’S BACK!!!!! I have missed you people…3 months in Africa has left me with wide eyes, determination, self-belief and empowerment!!……
Most of us have taken part in some form of sports activity when we were young and some of us take it to the next level as we grow……
Hey guys! As a filmmaker I'm always interested in how other people have made their films, whether looking for tips, ideas, inspiration……
Next to a ridiculous copy of Ozombie (Bin laden as a zombie...I'll say no more) I pick up a copy of Troll Hunter. I'm actually strolling……
Hiding myself away in a quiet corner, I grab a chewed pen and an envelope and scribble down the foundries of a hopefully new and challenging……
People scare me. It takes a lot to really freak me out in a film and I barely flinch at gruesome horrors. (That is unless I’m……
I'm sitting in the back of the car with some friends on the way back from Nando's discussing what film we're going to watch when we……