Artificial Intelligence In Special Education

Vedio Credit Mic via Youtube Image credit Mic via Youtube We see an AI-based approach to be an adjunct to treatment analogous……
Vedio Credit Mic via Youtube Image credit Mic via Youtube We see an AI-based approach to be an adjunct to treatment analogous……
Pictured: David (Brandon Polansky) and Sarah (Samantha Elisofon) meet at group in 'Keep The Change' a New York autistic romance written……
Gadgets For the Fidgets -[ Image by AdobeStock ] In 2017, the use of fidget toys became a widespread trend. Office toys, stress balls,……
A message from our Friend Jodi Gomes to mark Autism Awareness this month. Please take a minute and follow this link to read about……
Let us celebrate this year by pledging to wear Blue April 2nd. Autism Awareness is not just a fad or something cool to do, its a way……
Ain't it cute? Anyone source: FrankSomervilleKTVU Fb Page As a kid, We remember the horror of being with strangers. Who would……
SCRATCH4SATOSHIS Click the image to visit their website! Hey! I won 2,000 satoshis! Scratch4Satoshis is a unique bitcoin……
Hardship shows a way to struggle once again with the humor of practical situation. Life is a game to start once again when i think……
I hope you enjoy my review of a film -- Like Stars on Earth -- that is an absolute must see for any parent or educator of a child……
#Hope. Autism can be very isolating. Autistic children don't make friends like neurotypical children do. Their friends are in their……
#SPERANZA. Sono nata cone due difetti cardiaci congeniti, il più grave dei quali era un buco fra il mio ventricolo……
#gioia: qualche ora dopo la nostra conclusione trionfante della corsa di 5 miglia Hope & Possibility, Dylan, Dusty ed io……
#HOPE. I was born with two congenital heart defects; the more severe one, a hole between my right and left ventrical,……
My wife, Katie Sweeney, is a fanatic about Broadway musicals; she loves attending Broadway shows and listening to Broadway music.……
When most people think of autism, the image that comes to mind is one of a silent, withdrawn child, incapable of expressing themselves……
I often comment how having Dustin Sweeney, now 16 years old, has given me a huge advantage in life and in business. Dustin is Autistic,……
Come molti di voi sapranno dai miei post e dai miei tweet, mio figlio Dustin Sweeny (16 anni) è autistico, e con lui……
As many know from my postings and tweets, my 16 year old son Dustin Sweeney is Autistic and we are very active with him with Achilles……
You know My time in this world is limited But the things that I can do with that time Are not -Jeb Corliss I As I get older……
Jacob Velasquez aka “Baby Beethoven” is a five-year-old pianist who has proved to the world he is capable of learning……
We all have a different perception of the world that we live in. Some are spiritual, others are secular, but the bottom line is that……
What a week of surfing with Izzy Paskowitz and the Surfers Healing team! Please watch the video, it pretty much says it all and the……
Today, Mike Sweeney sent out this tweet: We all have different motivations, and here is mine @SurfersHealing @izzypaskowitz……
In the wake of this month's tragic mass murder at Sandy Hook Elementary, a broader discussion of mental illness and access to……
“Autism is not limited to a single region or a country; it is a worldwide challenge that requires global action. People with……