Search results for: "business"

Katsanslimites Meets Pisonet
Radish and Orange Sale
what is Dogecoin
Chat with Francesco Rulli (Part 3:…
Chat with Francesco Rulli (Part 2:…
Chat with Francesco Rulli (Part 1:…
Laurel and Hardy in Big Business
2014 Bentley GT Speed, 2015 Jaguar…
Xcorps Music TV Presents The Bayou…
ITV Central News
Adam Corbally - The Apprentice
#InTheLab w Travel Channel's "Baggage…
چه گوارا درتجارت جهان…
Xcorps TV presents Thunder on Main…
My Blurb
Life Cycle of a Logo
How I make a logo
The Early Bird
Altitude Digital on Traditional Media…
Target Thinking Gets You Business Noticed…
Kawaii 5-2: Artists and the Arts
The Faces of Fashion New York City:…
Robin L. Smith, M.D., MBA Chairman…
Helmand Afghan Business Conference
Etico Capitals' Robert Fallah on Launchpad…
RyzeTv: From the Ground Up
Afghan Development Project, May 2012…
Adam Frieman, Finance Professional,…
Etico Capital's Robert Fallah on G.I.V.E.…
Scott Weisman, Investment Banking Expert,…
Introducing (G.I.V.E.) Global Initiative…
Jumpstart Our Business Startups (JOBS)…
Dr. Ushma Neill on G.I.V.E. and Veteran…
Michael Sweeney on G.I.V.E. and Veteran…
Marine Jonathan Weinkiper - A Veteran…
Marine Charles Weaver on his Veteran…
Marine Thomas Poore on his Veteran…
Marine Thomas Poore on Veteran Business…
Marine Peyton Abbott on his Veteran…
Marine Peyton Abbott on Veteran Business…
Marine Dustin Norwood on his Veteran…
Marine Dustin Norwood on Veteran Business…
Marine Alex Huber on his Veteran Experience…
Marine Alex Huber on Veteran Business…
Marine Alan Royer on his Veteran Experience…
Marine Alan Royer on Veteran Business…
Marine Michael Huie on his Veteran…
Marine Michael Huie on Veteran Business…
Chocolate and Veteran Entrepreneurship…
Marine Patrick Lloyd on his Veteran…
Marine Patrick Lloyd on Veteran Business…
Marine Patrick Bonney on his Veteran…
Marine Patrick Bonney on Veteran Business…
Marine Colin Dailey on his Veteran…
Marine Colin Dailey on Veteran Business…
Marine Lance Rider on his Veteran Experience…
Marine Lance Rider on Veteran Business…
Marine Shane Loughner on his Veteran…
Marine Shane Loughner on Veteran Business…
Marine Ryan Deis on his Veteran Experience…
Marine Ryan Deis on Veteran Business…
Marine Jonathan Weinkiper on Veterans…
Marine Tad Billmeyer on Veteran Business…
Marine Jeff Moore on Veteran Business…
Dear Father
Marine Luke Sanford on Veteran Business…
Marine Luke Deer on Veteran Business…
Herat Business Incubator Program
Technology in Afghanistan
Director Charles Martin Smith Talks…
Francesco Rulli - Black Belts in Business…
Compendium III (Part 4) - Pan - Vancouver…
Compendium III (Behind the scenes)…
Obsession - Vancouver Film School (VFS)…
Tinkerbell - Vancouver Film School…
The Cast - Vancouver Film School (VFS)…
Hook - Vancouver Film School (VFS)
The Pitch - Vancouver Film School (VFS)…
Art Vs Business In Filmmaking (FiST…
SOHO Software
Business Application Software
Tax Preparation Software
Mainframes to Minis to Micros
Computer Ergonomics
Word Processing Software.
Printers 1984
Innovation TV on Start up Business…
Oceans's Potential
AIESEC International

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The Lying Problem


I woke up to angry thoughts of someone lying to my face. It's not even someone I know but it makes me so angry just remembering it.……

by ArtGirl

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How To Get Free Money Online


Hello everybody ,register on these websites to get free money:……


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Arvin Arv

Permissions To fuse a employment from your domicile, you may strait toleration from your: bottomry purveyor or publican provincial……

by arvin-arv

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Join SFI

ayub khan

Before starting SFI business, you must know about Versa Points. 1VP equals $0.0005 and generating sales at Triple are a……

by ayub422

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SFI Basics

Pteen-9732 SFI BasicsWelcome to SFI's exclusive Affiliate "getting started" program, LaunchPad™...and……

by Pteen-9732

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5 carat diamond ring


If you are looking for most stunning but affordable rings for your engagement, go no further. Choose from our wide selection of incredibly……

by garycook652

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stop bed wetting


Bedwetting has become a major problem among children and teenagers too. In case of solving this problem every parent should follow……

by scottalice02

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Khawaja Awais

A business, also known as an enterprise, agency or a firm, is an entity involved in the provision of goods and/or services to consumers.……

by khawaja-awais

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Welcome to my cryptic ideas, a blog that will soon contain numerous ideas, notes, bits, of code and more. For the curious, I explore……

by Crash_Override

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My super business plan


i am faiza from pakistan. i am business lady and also working for my community. now i am working with a global team. that is……

by loop

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SMS Marketing


SMS marketing is marketing using a mobile phone. SMS stands for short message server, otherwise known as text messaging. In short……

by katuppa

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Azeem Haider

Dear Sir. Can you send me requirements for IT Dept. !!We deal in total It Products includingPrinter Toners New & Compatible Toner’s,PHotocopier……

by hayder_azeem

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19 January


Stakeminers - Policy Changes - 19 January 2016 Stakeminers has made two policy changes both are effective 25 January 2016. Our Terms……

by StakeMinersBusiness

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Blogging for beginners

Nice Company

Do you have a passion of writing, and interacting with people? If you want to become a successful blogger, this article is for you.……

by nice-boy

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Dhoom 3V


Not to be confused with Doom 3. Dhoom 3 Theatrical release poster Directed by Vijay Krishna Acharya Produced by Aditya Chopra……

by rafiq6878551

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Hate Story 3


Hate Story 3 is an 2015 Indian erotic thriller film[3] directed by Vishal Pandya.[4] Produced by T-Series,……

by rafiq6878551

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Events on Giving Tuesday  As not-for-profits rigging up to advance Giving Tuesday — the post-Thanksgiving raising money……

by SanaSunny

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My Puhunan

Jean Beltran

Almost everyone wants to be a businessman, each and every individual has ideas in mind and that it only needs determination and perseverance……

by jean-beltran

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Logo Designer

Adeel Khadim

I will design an eye catching logo in 24 hour for $15   Hello Sir/Ma'am!Need a Logo/Business Card for your Business, Group or……

by adeel-khadim

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CLIXSENSENSE.COM (Since 2007)   Clixsense is a PTC (or Paid-to-Click) website where you can earn US$ for doing simple task……

by julz-baliton

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your freedom

Дмитрий Тимофеев

CAN NOT INVESTMENT !!! CHILDREN! It's just something! Watch videos and earn. Viewtrakr - this is the dream of all networkers!……

by tidi78

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Realy TOP faucet

Tomáš Možný

  1200 satoshi every 10 min. ! = 7200/hour   Terms of use     Please abide by the following simple rules when……

by Chons

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Nasty Comment

Tran Huy

  A new business was opening and one of the owner's friends wanted to send him flowers for the occasion. They arrived at……

by tran-huy-5194

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Tomáš Možný

Join NOW: Recycling guidelines We would like to remind you that our company is engaged in plastic waste recycling……

by Chons

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Tran Huy

  When a man's printer type began to grow faint, he called a local repair shop where a friendly man informed him that the printer……

by tran-huy-5194

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Ottavia Vicari

Chi vuole guadagnare soldi partendo da un investimento di soli 1,50$ mi contatti in skype ladystella75 o via email (oggetto……

by laotty

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My Life and Business

Edwin Aleman

Life is a mixture of ups and downs. I have been to many worthwhile experiences that the downs are so far outweighed by the ups. Presently,……

by win3230

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good morning


When you do surrender your life to the right player, in HIS hands the right tune will always come out, as it never sounds so right……

by dhelia

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Gabriel Iliescu

GoDaddy has everything you need to create, manage and promote your business.

by cip200

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My blog

Jan Solařík

Hi Bitlanders...i writing my blog right now and i would like to share with us. If you something interesting you, i will be your sponsor.……

by soldini

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Want To Make Easy Daily Money Like This?Then Listen Up!I‟m Here To Show You TheSecrets Of Making $800+ per month withGoogle AdsenseAnd/OrYahoo/Bing……

by vandettav58

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Vegetables Farm

Doods Relator

Vegetables Farm We were invited in a fiesta yesterday by the uncle of my former boss. The place is located in a nearby province next……

by Doodsdpogi

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Home Base Business

nestor saludo

"Retired? Unemployed? Laid-Off or insufficient income? Start your own Internet business from home. Build residual and leveraged income……

by nestorsaludo

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Jan Kisý

My Projects! 1. Liberta gia - free join: More information:……

by kisy-jan

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Global Fortune 11

Dáša Šindlerová

Hello I just had to tell you about this great site I just found. If you have never madeany money online, please take a close……

by tajsaa

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Organizing for growth

Uzzaier Lone

Maybe it’s (finally) working. Maybe demand is up, opportunities keep presenting themselves and people want to work with you.……

by Lone1

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Work for You

Jiri Mares

want to earn big money on the internet ? payment every 30 minutes ! Sign up here :……

by jirmik

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Blossom Business

Heze Schel

On the off chance that you are occupied with the blossom business, then you should realize that the quality of being a flower vendor……

by Momi-Zel

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Monkey Business


Yeah, I am laughing at human stupidity today. But it is not funny in fact. Some members who had probably been suspended for spamming……

by makemyday

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Social evils


Social evils undermine the whole social and economic system. Moral values disappear and institutions get destabilized. Society……

by SadaqatMughal

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Earning best

Worker Home Ptc

Wiki-nut Join this site auto payment 5 pound payment system sitewrite your own article view 0.01 pound like 0.01 pound comment……

by Pappu223

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Contingency theory


Contingency theory is a further realistic approach avoiding the specificity of any methods od leading. It also rejects the thought……

by Zarrak-Khan

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Participative theory


Participative leadership theory suggests that the input of the people or the subordinates plays the key role in achieving the standards……

by Zarrak-Khan

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Great man theory


  The Great man theory emphasizes on the inherited qualities of a leader. It says that a leader is born to lead. It claims that……

by Zarrak-Khan

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Divisional structure


Divisional structure is suitable for larger organizations covering huge geographic areas and different types of market areas. Considering……

by Zarrak-Khan

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Marketing of Ufone


Marketing has always played a very important role in the success of a product or a service even if the product has not been a very……

by Zarrak-Khan

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Strategies of HRM


A human resource management strategy is a plan that overall leads to the implementation of specific HRM areas. HRM strategies are……

by Zarrak-Khan

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Real e-state


The daily increase in internet users in Pakistan as well as across the world has not merely resultant in an increase in the number……