The First Cannes Film Festival

On 20th September 1946 the first Cannes Film Festival opened in, not surprisingly, Cannes in the south of France. The Cannes International……
On 20th September 1946 the first Cannes Film Festival opened in, not surprisingly, Cannes in the south of France. The Cannes International……
Hey everyone, check out my film Half Way Crooks - point the finger (full movie 15min). It's a selection at #Cannes 2015 short film……
A video by Keith Rivers. They took a 2011 Chevy Equinoxfrom Seattle to Yellowstone. Clark Koelsch and Director of Photography……
When you watch hundreds of movies a year, have a mental catalog of thousands, certain players in the films' productions……
I'm excited to introduce you to the Nexus Production company based out of London. They specialize in creative story telling,……
A.A. Dowd over at AV Club presents a pretty good retrospective analysis of the impact of Pulp Fiction at Cannes in 1994, and……
Oggi è stata una giornata speciale. Abbiamo iniziato guardando Alleluia, un film molto sensuale e violento con un'attrice spagnola,……
Oggi è stata una giornata rilassante. Siamo andati in spiaggia e abbiamo potuto fare per un po' i turisti al di fuori del festival.……
Domenica e lunedì sono state giornate davvero impegnative! Abbiamo iniziato guardando alcuni film, il mio preferito è……
Oggi ho potuto guardare un film sulla Semaine de la critique, "It follows", al cinema Miramar. Il sabato a Cannes è l'inferno……
Traduzione dall'inglese a cura di Nadea TranslationsArticolo originale di Miguel Ángel Font Bisier Oggi è stata……
Oggi ci siamo svegliati piuttosto presto, per controllare alcuni film ed altri dettagli al Palais. Quando siamo arrivati, abbiamo……
Contracted review. Halfway between personal drama and horror, the film shows the physical and mental evolution of the young protagonist,……
Russian film industry is a complicated topic. Russian directors do not often indulge us with good movies. It's all because of……
Samson & Dalilah is an Australian film that has won many awards, such as Cannes film festival. This was made more impressive that……
In the documentary, SEDUCED AND ABANDONED, premiered in the UK to an audience of four people (myself included) at the 2013 Cambridge……
由好莱坞知名导演,保罗葛林葛瑞斯(Paul Greengrass)所制作,和演员汤姆汉克斯(Tom Hanks)所主演的动作惊悚大片《菲利普船长》(Captain……
由台湾知名电影导演,蔡明亮(Tsai Ming-liang)所制作的2013新作《郊游》(Stray Dogs)屡获殊荣,该片自入围今年威尼斯电影节(Venice……
由中国知名独立电影导演,贾樟柯(Jia Zhangke)所制作的2013新作《天注定》(A Touch Of Sin)受到影坛高度关注,在入围今年的多伦多国际电影节(Toronto……
各位电影制作人和影迷们,奥斯卡(Oscar)的季节已经悄悄开始喽! 除了即将举行的威尼斯电影节(Venice……
由台灣知名電影導演,蔡明亮(Tsai Ming-liang)所製作的2013新作《郊遊》(Stray Dogs)屢獲殊榮,該片自入圍今年威尼斯電影節(Venice……
由中國知名獨立電影導演,賈樟柯(Jia Zhangke)所製作的2013新作《天注定》(A Touch Of Sin)受到影壇高度關注,在入圍今年的多倫多國際電影節(Toronto……
由好萊塢知名導演,保羅葛林葛瑞斯(Paul Greengrass)所製作,和演員湯姆漢克斯(Tom Hanks)所主演的動作驚悚大片《菲利普船長》(Captain……
各位電影製作人和影迷們,奧斯卡(Oscar)的季節已經悄悄開始嘍! 除了即將舉行的威尼斯電影節(Venice……
Wednesday 1 May Kumar Williams, whom I must introduce to any new readers as my faithful sidekick, the Sancho Panza to my Don Quixote,……
Abdellatif Kechiche's "Blue is the Warmest Color" was the biggest winner of the 2013 Cannes Film Festival. The coming-of-age……
In 2011 at the Cannes Film Festival, director Nicolas Winding Refn and his star, Ryan Gosling, received so much love for their darkly……
Last week was a Special Cannes and we continue today with the latest news from the Riviera, where the Festival will close on Sunday.……
There is something about waves on film that is a crashing bore. When a movie opens with a shot of the tide coming in, my eyes start……
This is me at 2:45am on Monday 20 May inside the Grand Palais having just watched the World Premiere screening of Johnnie……
This week, it's all about Cannes! The film festival started yesterday under pouring rain with the first red carpet and the screening……
This week, the film industry lost two of his giants, Ray Harryhausen and Bryan Forbes. Ray Harryhausen was a special effect pioneer……
Kickstarter is no longer the last chance place for projects to get funding. It is now used by well-known actors, directors and……
Tribeca kicked off yesterday and is the film festival not to miss this month. If you haven't taken a look at the screenings and panels……
Guardian Angel is a story of hope, about a man's soul lost in the darkness and consuming in pain. But even in the darkest place……
Who is the one of the best Russian filmmakers in history? Many old school communities would easily claim Sergei Bondarchuk was one……
Baz Luhrmann's "The Great Gatsby" is set to open this year's Cannes Film Festival, in glorious 3-D! Starring Leonardo DiCaprio in……
Female directors were on the spot in one of our last Industry Newsletters and it continues this week. Screenwriter, producer, and……
I and many other film lovers think that 2012 may be the best year for film in over a decade, especially compared to 2011. However……
The 2012 Cannes Film Festival has been well on its way, already being five days since the excitement and buzz of the opening……
So you’re attending the 2012 Cannes Film Festival, but what else is interesting off the red carpet? While Cannes is mainly appraised……
One of China’s most accomplished actresses is uniting with Hollywood royalty. Zhou Xun (周迅) joins Academy Award-winners……
On the 18th of May Cannes will host its third annual "Film Finance Forum." But what exactly is "The Film Finance Forum" exactly?……
Take a virtual seat for the 65th Cannes Film Festival a live stream event from the Majestic Hotel! Cannes €CO is a TV Show filmed……
What will Nanni Moretti like? This is the question everybody is asking. It seems like everyone knows how grumpy and bad-tempered this……
"It was nice meeting you" will be at the Short Film Corner during the next Cannes Film Festival ! See you there ! ……
Hi everybody! This week has been a cold one, so we stayed indoors to watch some of our new submissions, and we were thrilled by……
Just announced this week, the lineup of the Cannes Film Festival. A surprise to many was the announcement of the fortnight’s……
Filmmakers shoot between 30 and 200 hours of footage to make a feature film. Most filmmakers want to participate in prestigious film……