Artificial Intelligence: The Best AI Gadgets Today

Before I proceed, here is a video of Sam Harris on Artificial Intelligence Video Credit: Wall Street Mozart via Youtube……
Before I proceed, here is a video of Sam Harris on Artificial Intelligence Video Credit: Wall Street Mozart via Youtube……
Image credit: Mohamed_Hassan via Pixabay, changed by Vimi My new C-Blog is entitled "How are artificial intelligence, machine……
Hello Bitalnders! I hope that you all would be fine. Today I thought of writing a blog on some informative application of computers.……
The Most Popular Websites On Internet Image Credit: ✔ Introduction ……
Main inventions of science Science that is being used everywhere has many advantages. Science changed our life completely. Peoples……
I am doing BSCS from a university in lahore which is one of the greatest university in my country. But still in 21st century our educational……
Same Day Geek provides On-Site and remote computer repair and IT support services for both home and business users. Computer……
This is a short blogpost about the 3 Most used gaming platforms in the world by Numbers of Units sold and The games available. ……
A handheld tool that holds a set of probes. Each probe wirelessly connects back to the device for commands and for reporting data.……
Decided to try my hand at QB64, so I started with a very simple Conway’s Game of Life program. When I say no frills that’s……
So how many of you play the hit indie game Minecraft? Because it is a very fun game, but it is also a very interesting platform to……
Welcome to my cryptic ideas, a blog that will soon contain numerous ideas, notes, bits, of code and more. For the curious, I explore……
What effect does the computer have on our life Does the computer have an effect on our lives? The answer is yes. But the real question……
What is a computer? A computer is an electronic device that manipulates information, or data. It has the ability to store, retrieve,……
Source: Screen Shoot Hi Friends i am @mian-mehmood, as……
Classification Of Computer Computer is Classification in to following main. categories on the basic of size performance……
Bitcoin: What is in to keep for 2016 At the same time as the hype may have dwindled a bit, 2015 becomes still a busy year for bitcoin.……
Fourth Generation Computers (1975 To Present) After the fourth generation computers the next generation of computers is fifth generation……
3rd Generation Computers: During the period of 1964 to 1971 Third generation computers were developed. The third generation computers……
2nd Generation Computers(1959-1965): After the first generation computers the second generation computers were developed The period……
Generations Of Computer Computer can be classified into following five generations ……
1# Hardware ……
Unemployment is a very serious problem in the developing countries of the world. It is certainly adding to economic difficulties in……
History - What Did You Do Yesterday? Today? Image source: "What's history?" Willie asked. Willie's……
APPLE: Arrogance Produces Profit-Losing Entity DOS: Defective Operating System IBM: I Blame Microsoft CD-ROM: Consumer Device,……
Current events. I don't feel interested in talking about current events. There's already enough of that going around. They assail……
The best RPG (Role Playing Game) of all times. According to the reviews and rating,these games are arranged in a descending order.……
We're in the middle of a self-service revolution across all aspects of our lives, but... fortunately... those distinctly user-unfriendly……
Successful bid at about 100 million - memoirs of Alan Turing Movie Imitation Game / Enigma and genius in mathematician……
Getty You may have read about Roya Mahboob when the Afghani women's rights pioneer was chosen as one of Time Magazine's 100 Most Influential……
Well it seems that this is Microsoft's attempt at humour. It is funny, I will give them that but not that funny. :P Link was taken……
Whew..what a busy day for me... First, I performed troubleshooting in some computers with problems in desktop icons' links. It……
Windows 8: how to passageway fullscreen mode and go to the desktop It's imperative to comprehend whether you're utilizing Windows……
LONDON: All of us use USB devices and feel happy when we hear their storage capacity is increasing day by day but now this……
Now A days The Study Is The Basic Part Of A Life.Without Study We Are Nothing. As The We Which Nation Is Good And Perfect And Advance……
Now A Days We See Everyone Is Busy In Their Works And They Have No Time In That Fast Time They Needed Computers Very Much Because……
Our times are also called the Information Age, because having the correct information has become very important. Thanks to the computers……
Pharmacy in a chip: Imagine a drugstore that fits on a dime;that's one potential application for controlled release micro-chip invented.……
Education is best weapon in the life of a human. A human's life in incomplete without education. Education plays an important role……
ایک وائرس فری کمپیوٹر کو برقرار رکھنے کے لئے ١٢ تجاویز آپ کا کمپیوٹر وائرس……
These days computers are as common as pin. They are rightly regarded as the most fascinating invention of the modern age. Computer……
The present-day electronic computer was developed during the 20th century. During this time computers began to run on electrical power.……
We are living in the 21st century where the science and technology has developed very well and every day we watch the different latest……
Dos stands for disk operating system. It is a single user operating system used in micro computers. It is stored as a master program……
APPLICATION OF COMPUTERS Computers are used in almost every field. Nowadays, computers have become so important for us that it is……
Pakistan is facing to in these days energy crisis like Electricity and CNG etc. The major problem is about Electricity in these days……
We know that scientist give us a device which helps us in the transmission of data. This device is known as flash drive or mostly……
ENERGY RESOURCES Coal, Oil and Natural Gas are the most important remnant fuels. They give out 88% of the world’s yearly energy.……
In the history of mankind, the Internet is the greatest development in the domain of communication industry. Internet has tremendous……
“Science Is Not Belief But Will To Find Out”. The progress in all about of science. Science has brought a great……
Xcorps TV X PRESS Wednesday March 12, 2014 San Diego California Xcorps Action Sports TV Rolls with Final Cut Pro X and Mavericks OS……
Where do you think we spend more time... by sitting in front of our computers and searching on the Internet or in our bed in a deep……
As every day passes I feel I am getting near to the aim that the program is established for. It is so nice when I see the girls who……
Today we talked about the classification of computers .Computer can be classified in different ways, processing , power, purpose and……
Now a day, Internet is one of the most common facility all over the world. We can use Internet on our mobile, computer and laptop……
Email (or electronic mail) is simply the term used to describe any letters sent from one computer to another using the internet. It……
4-Faculty of science : In 1925 , the faculty of science was established and it was located in El-Za'afran palace then , it joined……
Electricity is expressed by the amount of charge flow through a particular area unit time.It is a energy that flow in the wires and……
Information Technology relates to gathering Assembling, storing and retrieving of Data and Information by Computers and Telecommunication……
The most serious problem of Pakistan is it poverty. It is curse and cause irreparable damage to the very Pakistan. There are so many……
Gadgets used in movies are slowly becoming our reality as Motorola Solutions Inc., a major provider of public safety communications……