52 Films by Women Vol 5. 47. Love Me Tender (Director: Klaudia Reynicke)

Pictured: Face off. Agoraphobic Seconda (Barbara Giordano) confronts her young nemesis (Federica Vermiglio) in a scene……
Pictured: Face off. Agoraphobic Seconda (Barbara Giordano) confronts her young nemesis (Federica Vermiglio) in a scene……
Current Scenario In Mental Health Care And The Role Of VR We live in a fast-paced world where everything needs to be done yesterday.……
Image Credit Enrique Meseguer via Pixabay Video credit Technocular via Youtube The AI Therapist Stress, anxiety,……
Image credit Gerd Altmann from Pixabay “Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from……
How to Fight Depression Personal advice from a person who deals with it from time to time. Photo Credit Via Google It……
Mental health is a controversial topic because of the stigma associated with it. Some people immediately think that if you suffer……
Mental health is a term often misunderstood. When people hear this term, they immediately equate it with depression, schizophrenia,……
1. Stay Away From SmokingRegardless of whether you smoke cigarettes, vape, or bite tobacco, you definitely realize that tobacco and……
Anxiety is something I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy. Their is nothing like spending all day worrying about something that's not……
Pictured: More than about sheep. Joe (Mark Stanley) and Alice (Ruth Wilson) bang heads in 'Dark River', written and directed by Clio……
LOVE. yes you could both feel it rushing through your veins, and the whole world could end without seeing each other.yes we altar……
An abstract drawing I have created in an art class. I used colored pencil and ebony pencil. Have you ever seen--or been--a student……
Everyone has the tendency to worry. Image credits: www.forevernaturalwellness.com When life is giving us challenges and problems,……
When a mind is focused to achieve a certain thing, it is a very powerful thing indeed. I mean, when a mind is determined to achieve,……
You are not mad or losing your mind. I had someone tell me that I was losing my mind when I was talking to myself one day. I even……
Some thoughts to ponder about mental and psychological condition:
Overall health consists of both physical and mental health. A person has to be physically and mentally fit. Then only life will be……
Tama ang magtiwala sa ating Panginoong Diyos . Ngunit mayroon ding kasabihang : GOD HELPS THOSE WHO HELP THEMSELVES ! SPIRITUAL HEALTH……
The WHO relates mental health as 'a condition of being fit so much so that a given subject would feel a sense of empowerment on his……
You ever realize the impact that animals have on your health, specifically dogs? I have a little pup of my own at home……
Mental illness is a very real problem in society today. Diagnosis of the problems people have is on the rise, although many question……
In the wake of this month's tragic mass murder at Sandy Hook Elementary, a broader discussion of mental illness and access to……
"Suicide causes more deaths every year compared to wars, conflicts and homicides put together," according to Shekhar Saxena, Director……
In a speech at Fort Bliss on Friday, President Barack Obama announced a newly-signed executive order, which addressed access to mental……
“Drug dependence is a disorder that can be treated effectively but, unfortunately, the large majority of persons who……
“Poor quality services and human rights violations in mental health and social care facilities are still an everyday occurrence……