How to mend a Broken Heart

Image courtesy of Song by Kaligta As I joined my classmates bonding, one of them played the song BROKEN HEART……
Image courtesy of Song by Kaligta As I joined my classmates bonding, one of them played the song BROKEN HEART……
My Favorite TV Show - FPJ's "Ang Probinsyano" (The Man from the Province) (image source: Short Introduction…………
It is noticeable that we are all members of bitlanders I would like to ask all members who have joined bitlanders just for making……
Do you have a routine when taking a bath? I'm sure a lot of women have including me. I have my own bathroom, and when you see it,……
Kali ini ane mau share tentang F.A.N.I.C^^ Apasih F.A.N.I.C? FANIC itu singkatan dari Faqih Alfin Naufal Irham dan Christian.……
2014年纽约公开组柔道锦标赛(2014 New York Open Team Judo Championship )由法国连获2年优胜。 Film Annex 是这个活动的赞助商之一,参赛的队伍包含法国,德国,日本,加拿大,波兰和美国,比赛地点在纽约竞技俱乐部(New……
2014年紐約公開組柔道錦標賽(2014 New York Open Team Judo Championship )由法國連獲2年優勝。Film Annex 是這個活動的贊助商之一,參賽的隊伍包含法國,德國,日本,加拿大,波蘭和美國,比賽地點在紐約競技俱樂部(New……
Ieri il 2014 New York Open Team Judo Championship è stato vinto per il secondo anno di fila dalla Francia. L'evento è……
Yesterday, the 2014 New York Open Team Judo Championship was won by France for the second years in a row. The event was sponsored……
The world is changing all around us. To continue to thrive as a business over the next ten years and beyond, we must look ahead, understand……
Noi di Film Annex, stiamo cambiando il nostro modello di business verso un nuovo mondo di #SocialMediaThatPays con Bitcoin.……
Here at Film Annex, we have been shifting our business model to the new world of #SocialMediaThatPays with Bitcoin. This means we……
Roya Mahboob and Biz Stone Have you ever seen something beautiful, moving, engaging, or strange, not known what it was, and have a……
Although real estate may be one of the history’s oldest industries, there’s still plenty of room for innovation. Realty……
今天, 于9月15号,麦克斯威尼(Mike Sweeney) 发布了这个推特: 我们每个人都有不同的动机,这是我的动机 @SurfersHealing……
今天, 於9月15號,麥克斯威尼(Mike Sweeney) 發佈了這個推特: 我們每個人都有不同的動機,這是我的動機 @SurfersHealing……
NEWS RELEASE – FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE New York, NY: September 15, 2013 – In a week when most international news……
Today, Mike Sweeney sent out this tweet: We all have different motivations, and here is mine @SurfersHealing @izzypaskowitz……
Франческо Рулли и Film Annex Capital Partners недавно инвестировали в Realty Mogul с MelkonianCapital……
Wikipedia کےمطابق Entrepreneurship ایسا ہنریا آرٹ ہے جوکہ Entrepreneur نئی اورانوکھی چیزوں……
ٹیم ورک ایک ایسی سیمنٹ کی مانند ہے جومختلف دماغوں کی مجموعی ذہانت کوآپس……
News from La Jolla Fashion Film Festival. With advice backed up by 2 billion dollars in film revenues, Adam Leipzig will……
Marketers, brands, advertisers, publishers, agencies and technology partners are all gathering in one place to have a discussion and……
7 мая прошла пятая ежегодная WIRED Бизнес конференция. Как всегда, конференция……
Работа в команде является фундаментом, который содержит в себе гения с……
Согласно определению Википедии, предпринимательство является актом и……
Charlie Wan has created another stunning fashion film in collaboration with photographer Yulia Gorbachenko and their crew of talented……
Teamwork is the cement that keeps together the individualistic genius of multiple brains. Unanimously defined as "work done by several……
According to Wikipedia's definition, Entrepreneurship is the act and art of being an entrepreneur or one who undertakes innovations……
Good afternoon Film Annex-ers. I've got my 7/11 coffee (hey 7/11 you should sponsor me) and fresh donuts on one side of……
How to write a blog and get paid:Blogging or writing blogs start where that a person to be dominate in English language and especially……
Афгано- Американская конференция Торговой Палаты, организованная АМР США……
Для большинства американцев, умение управлять электронными финансами……
Women's Annex Обеспечивает женщин в странах Южной и Центральной Азии В недавнем……
Роя Махбуб обсуждает Цифровые Медиа, расширение прав и возможностей женщин……
На этой неделе представители прессы и СМИ связались с Film Annex и выразили……
Благодаря проекту развития афганистана, на сегодняшний день в Герате, в……
В Афганистане, писатели и ученые зарабатывают около $ 100 в месяц, в то время……
Alison Wistner is a Director at Mercato Partners, a growth capital fund investing in high growth technology and branded consumer companies. ……
Good afternoon! Today is Friday, December 7th,2012 and here is my week recap.Week was started from shooting interview for "FIT Chairs",……
I know I have spoken a lot about the possibilities and capabilities social media has to offer, but the shift of business to a virtual……
Jeremy Ostermiller is the CEO of Altitude Digital in Colorado, USA. Fereshteh Forough is the Founding Partner of the Afghan Citadel……
Today is Friday, November 23, 2012 and Happy Thanksgiving to everyone. Most of the time on this week I worked on video editing. ……
Today is Friday, November 9, 2012. First of all I would like to welcome in our team new member Fereshteh Forough from Afghanistan.……
CITADEL of New York was formed by three partners: Roya Mahboob, CEO of Afghan CITADEL Software Company, Film Annex and Film Annex……
This week, Altitude, one of our advertising partners, recognized our endeavors in Afghanistan by writing about Afghan Development……
I don't know about you, but after I published last week's article, I was still intrigued about this whole “incubator and technology……
Linking social and digital media to building schools in Afghanistan is my priority. Using Film Annex's business model to support……
For the third segment in our series of interviews with Digital Media thought leaders, we talked to Ryan Gombeski, the Director of……
Ashley Paczolt, the Manager of Ad Operations at Altitude Digital Partners, told us what she thinks about the recent Film Annex initiatives……
We recently interviewed Daniel Yomtobian, the Founder and CEO of about the recent Film Annex initiatives in Afghanistan.……