The 6 Modules

As what you see in the picture, there are 4 books and this books are very important in taking the Pharmacist Licensure Examination,……
As what you see in the picture, there are 4 books and this books are very important in taking the Pharmacist Licensure Examination,……
A. Obat AnestetikIstilah anestetik dikemukakan pertama kali oleh O.W. Holmes yang artinya tidak ada rasa sakit. Anestetik dibedkan……
This is an image of black tarantula Spider. Its of handsome size and weight of 59 grams. Now a days the sale purchase of this species……
Jabir ibn Hayyan. This is history's first great Muslim scientist and alchemist……
INDUSTRIES In this recent time, people need not only food but they desire comforts and all extravagance items too. In order to become……
Herbal remedies, truth or quackery? Well on one side of the spectrum, some of us may frown upon and shame those who use herbal……