Reaching out

A time comes in one's life when giving takes centre stage. That time has come in my life and I get happiness reaching out to……
A time comes in one's life when giving takes centre stage. That time has come in my life and I get happiness reaching out to……
The world knows who Manny Pacquio is, what he has given to the world and most specially to his country, our beloved land, the Philippines.……
My hobby is writing on different topics and I get excited whenever Micky announces the topics of Double Reward for writing.……
GIVKWIK: Impulse Philantrophy What is Givkwik Givkwik is an online platform where companies or individuals can give back……
(Image source: #GivingTuesday is a day which is celebrated globally for giving. This day comes after Thanksgiving……
GIV.NYC – The #GivingTuesday with New York Style Image Source: GIV.NYC Website On December 1, 2015, the New Yorker will have……
#GivingTuesday Giving Tuesday is recognized internationally, it is a day devoted to giving, which is an act of……
PHILANTHROPY. I have first made to know about this word when I started watching videos of specific people such as Manoj Bhargava and……
Givkwik #GivingTuesday Campaign and Event NYC 2015 - I Chose Life Vest Inside What is Givkwik? Givkwik is a software……
Source: Google Leonardo DiCaprio is well known and successful American actress and producer.He was born in 1975.He is very popular……
Bitcoin and philanthropy are two worlds meant to work together. Like Bitcoin, social good doesn't have geographical boundaries, nor……
Joining bitLanders was a good decision I had made and I have here certain list of reasons as to why I love hanging out here.……
For the past year, I have been writing various stories, blogs, and interviews. It has……
Meet our precious Sarki! Sarki is from the Himalaya region, approximately 8,000 feet above sea level. Sarki and her parents,……
It has been almost 2 years that Women's Annex has started its mission to assist women in developing countries beginning from……
Greater-Tomorrow Foundation Greater Tomorrow Dr. Richards Afonja is……
BitGive Foundation & The Water Project The BitGive Foundation is the first and largest nonprofit Bitcoin organization in the world……
Matthew Kenahan is the Founder & CEO of The Bitcoin Society LLC, Entrepreneur and Investor in Digital Media. Below is an……
Filantropia Digitale Crediamo che la filantropia digitale consista nel promuovere il benessere delle persone e del pianeta con la……
Digital Philanthropy We believe digital philanthropy is promoting the welfare of people and planet, with technology - while creating……
BitGive and QLF Incorporated BitGive is a Bitcoin Nonprofit organization using Bitcoin for charitable purposes. QLF Incorporated……
@Bitcoinlady - Alah Itireleng One of the most incredible stories in the Bitcoin Community is the story of Alah Itireleng of Botswana,……
QLF Incorporated is branching into Botswana, Africa to work with Alah Itireleng, the Ambassador of Bitcoin for Botswana. Visit……
Michael Sweeney and Film Annex Film Annex is a social platform that pays its users Bitcoin for creating and sharing original content.……
SOS Children's Villages in Botswana, Africa. QLF Incorporated will be working with SOS and filming a short documentary with The Good……
Albert Einstein is known as a genius, as well as several other incredible minds in history. For some reason though, still to this……
Discover Example Africa by Clicking Here! Example Africa What are the goals of Example Africa? Utilize current technology and digital……
Mi piacerebbe iniziare quest'articolo scrivendo che, fino a qualche settimana fa, non credevo molto nei BitCoin. Pensavo che fosse……
I would like to start this piece out by saying that up until a few weeks ago, I was not a BitCoin Believer. I thought it sounded odd……
Permettetemi di guardare il mondo dalla prospettiva di una ragazza di 12 anni in Afghanistan, che potrebbe essere data in sposa da……
Let me look at the world from the perspective of a 12-year old girl in Afghanistan who could be given away, possibly against her will,……
Did you know that you can help the world to be a better place with just one click and without spending a cent? Many people out there……
It’s quite rare for a website to be considered a viable force against oppressive governments. As the Womens Annex Foundation……
Firenze, da Piazzale Michelangelo Film Annex è stato ideato e sviluppato da fiorentini e forse è questa la ragione……
Florence, from Piazzale Michelangelo. Film Annex was conceived and developed by Florentines. This is possibly the reason why……
I professionisti degli investimenti sono famosi per il loro approccio competitivo agli affari. Ma questo non significa che non possano……
Investment professionals are known for their competitive approach to business. But that doesn’t mean they can’t compete……
Technically, "life style" is the way we decide to spend our every single day and express ourself through the numerous insignificant……
I’ve been thinking a lot lately about the direction I’ve taking with the brand Chick Wrestler®. I developed……
Another great event held by American Express Open allowed me to meet very interesting people operating in the World of Business and……
One of my favorite inspirational organizations is the Newman’s Own Foundation. Actor Paul Newman founded the Newman’s……
NEWS RELEASE – FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE New York, NY: September 15, 2013 – In a week when most international news……
1996 کے فلم جیری میگویر میں راڈ ٹیڈویل صرف وہ کھلاڑی ہے جو، میگویر……
"People are basically good—when provided a tool that helps them do good in the world, they prove it.Jelly is a new company and……
In a recent video interview, Fereshteh Forough discussed investment and philanthropy with Alex Duran, founder of Permian Investment……
I was listening to NPR a while ago, and I remembered one of the discussions regarding the up and coming Mayoral race as the……
تعارف: Scott Jackson Global Impact کے نۓ منتخب شدہ صدر اور سی ای او ہے۔ گلوبل ایمپیکٹ……
A courageous young girl spoke before the UN Youth Assembly today, on her 16th birthday, after surviving a near-fatal gunshot to the……
Philanthropy is a word that was lost since long ago in Afghanistan. Afghan current generation has grown with wars, destitute, and……
Due to escalating security concerns in Afghanistan we have had to delay our production schedule for Operation Exceptional Child:……
Today a number of 1.2 billion people are living under the poverty line all over the world, mostly in sub-Sahara Africa, about……
Every person has an unforgettable memory in his or her childhood specially about specific cartoon's characters. There are some……
Introduction: Scott Jackson is the newly appointed President and CEO of Global Impact, one of the world’s top nonprofits……
Ahmed is a teenage boy from Iraq. He is an innocent victim of senseless violence and, unfortunately, he is only one of many……
One of the newest members of the GMRF family is Ngawang, a 15 year old Tibetan boy. Ngawang sustained a terrible injury……
I am producing a documentary to raise awareness about children with special needs in Afghanistan. And to fund the documentary,……
In the 1996 movie Jerry Maguire, Rod Tidwell (played by Cuba Gooding) is the only athlete who stays with sports agent Jerry Maguire……
Introduction: This is the third in a series of Film Annex interviews with Nancy Hatch Dupree, the legendary American adventurer,……
Creating, developing and managing businesses give birth to the global economy. It's because of those three essential bricks - repeating……
Last Sunday, Film Annex joined forces with the prestigious New York Athletic Club in the sponsorship of the New York Open Judo Cup,……
If you read my online interview posted recently on Film Annex, you know my most difficult challenge in trying to provide disabled……
In the video below, movie and martial arts star Jet Li was invited by the Permanent Mission of China to the UN and the Chinese Wushu……
Evie Evangelou is the President and Founder of Fashion 4 Development. She is the spokesperson, entrepreneur, philanthropist,……
Policy recommendations for educating children with disabilities in Afghanistan that would be implemented in every PATHS laboratory……
We at the GMRF have been blessed with the arrival of six year old Marzia. She comes to us from a remote village in Afghanistan. Four……
Stacey has been in the hedge fund industry for over 7 years. She has been responsible for investor relations and marketing in this……
I have shared Film Annex's mission of building schools in Afghanistan and creating Veteran business opportunities with several friends,……