Documentaty Web TV Channel

Today i am going to tell you about another Web TV Channel "Documentaty". As you can see that Documentaty comes from a Word Documentary.……
Today i am going to tell you about another Web TV Channel "Documentaty". As you can see that Documentaty comes from a Word Documentary.……
Today i am Going to Briefly introduce Suspensaty. It is also another Web TV Channel of bitlanders. Now most of you are thinking what……
After my Previous Blog About "Bravame" i decide to write a Blog on Sportivy. As you can see the word Sporivy comes from Sport-ivy……
As i Introduced All web TV channels In my previous Blog. Now i will Review Each of them one by one So today i Started from……
As we all know bitlanders is a social gaming where you are rewarded of your posting, sharing, connecting,……
As we already know about bitlanders and that it compensates its users for posting and submitting original and quality content. They……
"Filmmaking practice, a cinematic tradition, and mode of audience reception" this is how Wikipedia describes Documentary Film. In……
Conversaty: Talking to Directors, Actors, Athletes, Businessmen and Women Watching interviews gives you a better……
What is a Web TV? Before we start the lists of Web TV’s here in Bitlanders, let’s define what is a Web TV first.……
What is Classimatic Classimatic is basically on line channel for those series ans films which were famous in their era or time…… is an Entertainment Website presenting Independent films, animated movies and also web series to their viewers.……
What is Independent Film? According to Wikipedia, Independent Film is a film produced or made outside a major film studio. It……
"CLASSIMATIC" - THE OUTCLASS CLASSICS BitLanders is unique and so is the ideas they always come up every once in a while. Today, I……
Introduction Bravame is an independent web channel which showcasing the talent of different directors who are working independently……
My hobby is writing on different topics and I get excited whenever Micky announces the topics of Double Reward for writing.……
What is a WebTV? WebTV is a Web devoted to showing audiovisual content; It is a promotional tool that lets you create your own……
Let Me Speak Today (From the heart of an Engineer)Can you just Imagine the feelings When people think about you that how lucky and……
The animal! Spoilers Ahead! Spoilers Ahead! Spoilers Ahead! Spoilers Ahead! Spoilers Ahead! Oranges the new black,……
Come di consueto ogni due anni, si svolge l’evento clou del due volte campione del mondo Miki Biasion per riunire tutti gli……
As usual every two years, takes place the highlight event of twice world champion Miki Biasion to gather all fans and owners of Lancia……
Volkswagen maintains hegemony in the beginning of the season,but for once on top of the podium there's no Ogier, but his companion……
Miki Biasion, nel corso della manifestazione Motor Circus a Brescia, ha presentato la sua nuova iniziativa legata al mondo dei rally.……
Miki Biasion, during the Motor Circus event in Brescia, has presented its new initiative linked to the world of rallying. " Rally……
Today Michael Schumacher celebrates 45 years, and we hope that it helps to improve the condition of the Kaiser. Updates on his condition……
Yes, this is a post-theatrical release poster for The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug. Check it out!The film directed by Peter Jackson……
Film Annex ricompensa tutti i filmmaker con gli introiti della pubblicità generati sui loro canali Web TV. Gli introti si basano……
Tutti gli scrittori di Film Annex sono premiati in base ai loro BuzzScore. Il BuzzScore di uno scrittore presente su Annex Press è……
از وقتی که به افغانستان امدم همیشه فکر میکردم چطور میشود دریک دفتری کار……
Большие новости! Вчера начал работать Tеперь стало еще проще……
Today 3 new images of the filming of Dumb and Dumber To, starring Jim Carrey and Jeff Daniels went online, check them out! ……
Check out this artistic poster for the film "All The Boys Love Mandy Lane", starring Amber Heard. The film is about a new and……
Here is the first poster released for the film directed by Kenneth Branagh, JACK RYAN starring Chris Pine as the tittle character,……
Take a look at Katniss Everdeen(Jennifer Lawrence) the final poster for The Hunger Games: Catching Fire, one of the most anticipated……
Cheack out this poster for the french film The Beauty and the Beast. Directed by Christophe Gans and starring Vincent……
I find this still image from the set of Transformers: Age of Extinction quite interesting; it captures not only that Michael Bay is……
Vin Diesel always caring for his fans, is still sharing pictures from the production of Fast and Furious 7. We can see Lucas Black's……
The hottest rumor right now it's that Arnold Schwarzenegger will be reuniting with James Cameron to play the new villain in Avatar……
Film Annex 于2006年成立后就一直提供给许多电影制作人赞助。在去年Film Annex 网络电视(Web TV)的拥有者共赚取了$298,070.73……
An interesting image was posted by Dwayne Johnson, we can have a glimpse of himself in costume, the set and the director Bret Ratner.……
Will Dinosaurs rule the world again? At least that's what it looks like, for today Universal Pictures has announced that the……
Check out the evil look of Loki, from this new dutch poster from Thor: The Dark World, which changed it's name for The Dark……
Brad Pitt has just given to us an update of how things are going for a possible sequel of World War Z. Pitt himself said that he and……
Check the poster for Eliza Graves starring Kate Beckinsale, the film is a supernatural thriller based on a short story from Edgar……
It is the new poster for The Secret Life of Walter Mitty, a film in which stars and directs Ben Stiller. In the film, the daydreamer……
Another poster for today, now it's Robert Rodriguez's Machete Kills. Starring Danny Trejo as Machete, the movie will revolve around……
It's quite the buzz right now a piece of Art created by DC Comics artist Steve Scott who has worked before with Christopher Nolan,……
جب کوئی فلم آنیکس ایک بلاگ پوسٹ یا فلم دیکھتا ہے۔ تو اسکی دوست اور پیروکار……
Check out the first poster from Transformers 4: Age of Extinction. Now it is also confirmed that we will be seeing DINOBOTS this time……
Today, reports from different sources are saying the Kurt Russell is in talks to play a character yet to be revealed for the Fast……
Check out this new poster from Alfonso Cuarón's Gravity, featuring astronaut Matt Kowalsyy played by George Clooney. The film……
Even though filming began a few days ago, Matt Damon has joined today with Christopher Nolan in what sources say it is a "mystery……
In a recent video interview, Fereshteh Forough discussed investment and philanthropy with Alex Duran, founder of Permian Investment……
With Johnny Knoxville, Jackass presents: BAD GRANDPA. Johnny Knoxville will star as the 86 year old man Irving Zisman. In the film,……
Monuments Men is a true based story set in WW II, about a platoon sent to rescue art stolen by the Nazis, and preserve more of 1000……
Still in pre-production, Squirrels is a horror-comedy project being produced by Timur Bekmambetov(Wanted). You can check……
According to some sources now there is the rumor that Christopher Nolan's recommendation for Batman, in the Man of Steel sequel(aka……
Starring Sylvester Stallone and Arnold Schwarzenegger, "The Escape Plan" has released 2 new posters. Check them out! The Escape……
Paramount pictures has announced today that the filming for Christopher Nolan's Interstellar has already began filming in Alberta,……
Film Annex 於2006年成立後就一直提供給許多電影製作人贊助。在去年 Film Annex 網絡電視(Web TV)的擁有者共賺取了 $298,070.73 美金。而自從 Film……
We can see Jennifer Lawrence in some sort of chair in this new image from the upcoming film The Hunger Games: Catching Fire. What……
Today was tweeted from The Amazing Spider-Man 2 Twitter account, a new image with Andrew Garfield and Dane DeHaan as Peter Parker……
在過去兩年,Film Annex 分配給獨立電影製作人跟專業影片內容提供者的贊助廣告及收益分享超過150萬美元。最佳的製作人跟影片才能創造最佳的網絡電視(Web……
I recently learnt that very successful American actor Matthew Modine has joined Film Annex! His page, namely Matthew Modine Web TV,……
The Awakening short film as only an exercise has had a really good reception from viewers. I want to thank you all for your feedback……
Robocop opens in February 7, 2014. Follow Maumau Web TV on facebook and twitter! ……
Check out this posters from the 75th Anniversary of The Hunger Games! Follow Maumau Web TV on facebook and twitter! ……
NYC. July. It's hot. Africa hot. So when Karen suggested meeting up for coffee I thought she had lost her mind. Turns out she had……
There's a new image of Andrew Garfield as Spider-Man with a first look at the official logo of the The Amazing Spider-Man 2. ……
Check out this cool concept on the new Godzilla poster! Directed by Gareth Edwards and starring Aaron Taylor-Johnson, Ken Watanabe,……
Lena Headey is ready to avenge King Leonidas in this new poster from the upcoming film 300: Rise of an Empire. 300: Rise of an Empire……
From Entertainment Weekly we have new images from the new superhero sequel "The Amazing Spider-Man 2". What do you think? ……
Check out Free Movies and Videos on Maumau Web TV with 12 channels of entertainment and movie news from Hollywood! Maumau Web TV EXCLUSIVES……
Hello, This my first blog post in Film Annex, so it would only be fair to explain a little bit about myself.I am Tom, 21, a newly……
A new poster for Riddick, has come online! Check it out! In the film, the infamous Riddick has been left for dead on a sun-scorched……
Sir Ian McKellen has officially played for the last time Gandalf the Gray for The Hobbit films. Peter Jackson posted a picture and……
Take a look at a behind the scenes short documentary of Mauricio Vargas's The Awakening, soon to be released here on Film Annex!Click……
Все писатели на Film Annex зарабатывают на основе их BuzzScores. BuzzScore писателя, который……
After the premiere of the teaser trailer today, new images are now online from Mauricio Vargas' upcoming short film The Awakening. ……
I'm glad to introduce to you the poster for my upcoming short film "The Awakening". Stay tuned for updates, more images and……
Hi everybody, this is Mauricio Vargas writing and I'm really exited to share soon with you my next project. For now I'm gonna talk……
Whether you are a filmmaker, writer, or a viewer, you earn money on Film Annex. Starting today, we are basing our revenue model on……
Good news to the fans that were worried about Robert Downey, Jr. not returning as Tony Stark / Iron man, today Marvel Studios announced……
Rodrigo Santoro returns as Xerxes and Lena Heady as Gorgo Queen of Sparta. Eva Green, Sullivan Stapleton, Hans Matheson,……
Last week, we introduced Film Annex's new design, thanks to our website team in New York and Florence: Creative Director Eren Gulfidan,……
Film Annex users can now request payment when their revenue hits the $25 mark. This makes access to funding easier and quicker for……
في العامين الماضيين , فيلم انكس وزعت 1.5 $ للمخرجين و صانعين مقاطع الفيديو……
Victory by James Hinchcliffe in Sao Paulo, Brazil for this American championship's trip. Hinchcliffe, in great shape this year, has……
Watch Superman fly in the latest Man of Steel movie poster! Watch Man of Steel in 3D, 2D and IMAX theaters on June 14.……
"I have finally settled down and been able to put more effort into blogging often and sharing my content. Since I've done that, my……
It was ‘85 when we met, she had very sophisticated and brutal reactions, we continued to hang out when the new regulations have……
Starting this week, we will post interviews with the Rally world champion Miki Biasion. The strong Italian rider has been World Champion……
"When someone reads a blog post or watches a film on Film Annex, their followers and friends can see what they're doing, and it becomes……
Hello, guys. Today I would like to say THANK YOU to Gene Geter, and dedicate this blog to him. A few days ago we uploaded several……
Hey, guys! Let me introduce you my lovely WEB TV.! Being born in Europe, I'm fond of Asian culture and its traditions.……
This week was productive in moving along with my contacts with short film makers. I heard back first from Heidi Basch, Executive……
Every registered Film Annex user gets a free Web TV that they can curate, manage and promote. The Web TV generates revenues through……
Your Web TV on Film Annex (provided for free upon registration) generates revenues through online advertising. The better you manage……
A year after making her Sprint Cup Series debut in the same race, Danica Patrick will lead the field to the green flag for the Daytona……
В течение последних двух лет, компанией Film Annex были распределены 1,5 миллиона……
"Film Annex makes promoting on social media really easy. With a few clicks of the mouse, your film will have been posted on all of……
Я живу в городе, где небо сменяют тучи, облака сменяют туман. Где после солнечного……
If you are a regular on Film Annex, you've heard of the Buzz Score which measures the reach and influence of your content on the web.……
"Make lots of films and post them on Film Annex!" - Jonathan Ng Jonathan Ng is a Montreal-based animation filmmaker who has……
"Film Annex is definitely the way for the independent filmmakers to promote their work and get rewarded for it. You can make your……
Spending your Friday night just like you spent it the week before, and the week before that isn’t having any positive change……
Ladies and Gentlemen, boys and girls… What I am about to introduce to you is an opportunity to witness a group of talented……
There is a large event coming up February 8th, in downtown lower east Manhattan! Film Annex Music TV presents: FKBAND, the new Russian-American……
If you have some time to elapse, or want to hang out with friends and not turn your time into waste material, then you will enjoy……
Привет мальчики, девочки, дяди и тети. Неважно, где вы родились и где живете..……
The New Genre will be presented in New York City. How many songs do we hear on a daily basis? Most songs share many common characteristics.……
“Oppan Gangnum style” Sound Familiar? This one phrase became known INTERNATIONALLY within months; especially in the US.……
Music is the most powerful weapon ever! Each era, each country, each community has its own musical leader, its own musical……
"Earning back from all our hard work just gives us one more reason to keep going!" - Sorcha Anglim Sorcha Anglim is a female filmmaker……
Hey Ladies and Gentlemen. Here are 6 new FAMusicTV artists with their independent videos. Let’s see what we have. ***……
Hi everyone. I just came from LA, full of emotions and full of energy. Want to explain everything to you, my young readers J First……
Filmmaker Lisa Stock chose Film Annex to premiere Persephone, her new 4-episode web series. Persephone will be exclusively shown on……
FAMusicTV – has turned one month. The end of the world is over, the organization of first FAMusicTV live show is in full swing……
December 19th, 2012, 5:00 PM... This is 1st FK BAND and JERRRA BLUES Rehearsal: The bands should be fully prepared. They will perform……
Прошедшая неделя была очень разнообразной. Каждый день на официальной странице в FB,……
This pAst week was incredibly amazing. Every day on our FB, Twitter, and Tumblr pages we presented video works of different artists.……
Cine1 has released a new international poster from the upcoming fantasy film Oz the Great and Powerful, featuring the Wicked Witch! ……
Всем привет! Еще один блог на русском языке. Сегодня героем и объектом для……
Today I want to touch a very sensitive and holy topic. I want to discourse about love. L.O.V.E. - how amazing those feelings. You……
December 13, 2012… 8:24 PM… What’s going on?!! The new FAMusicTV video from Midnight Spin Band is hilarious! ……
Good Afternoon Ladies and Gentlemen. Do you want to find something fresh? Original? Independent? Spectacular? To watch??? The right……
Nick Fox Gieg joined Film Annex after following fellow animator Jonathan Ng's recommendation. He set up his Web TV quickly and is……
I think this is all I've been able to get my hands on from the secret squad. This is from the 'CoolerCorn' shoot. Obviously,……
"The more you link back to Film Annex the better! I also appreciate that Film Annex is active on social media and will share or retweet……
The past week has been fully dedicated to the web promotion of the "Dolphin" band, a multifaceted team with quite an impressive history……
1. We created 13 channels sorted by MUSIC BANDS and LANGUAGES. We received and uploaded HD video content from 9 bands = 24 NEW MUSIC……
I started the week by focusing on a series of blogs about filmmakers and social media. After reviewing how our filmmakers are using……
"I have definitely noticed a difference with the new implementation of the buzzscore. Now I can see where all aspects of my filmmaking……
We're getting closer to these shorts seeing the light of day! I suppose the only way to tide over you hungry masses is to give you……
"The buzzscore is an awesome incentive. [...] You're getting rewarded for sharing your own work. That's rare! - Amy Hill. Amy Hill……
This week, I focused on trying to help our independent filmmakers use social media to promote their content and also reviewing what……
Do you recognize me on the covers of your magazines and newspapers? Do you identify me, while watching TV or listening to the music?……
As part of Film Annex's relationships with organizations related to Afghanistan, USAid recently created a Web TV on Film Annex with……
On Film Annex, you can watch thousands of movies. But have you ever wondered how the filmmakers created their spectacular short animations……
As we approach the weekend, we're thinking about what kind of weekend we'd like to have as we say goodbye to September. We know that……
Still from Wall To Wall Tal Haring was one of our first filmmakers to have his Web TV featured on our homepage and make money with……
Still from Requiem for Romance. Jonathan NG is an animator who joined Film Annex only a few month ago. His Web TV has several great……
Looks like our featured filmmakers this week have a lot in common. We are absolutely impressed by the design and creativity that goes……
Director Matt Lee shares with us his animated short film "Pinhead". This is the story of Tom Newsom, an assistant to……
Directors Denis Bouyer, Yann de Préval, Vincent E Sousa and Laurent Monneron, bring to you the story of Buck, an ordinary guy.……
Hi everyone, We want to say hi to August with a new filmmaker and a Web TV that will tickle your appetite. Mack Carruthers has 5 years……
This is the Russian translation of a previously posted blog called Filmmaking on Film Annex. Film Annex награждает……
Hi everyone, On June 26th, Film Annex, in collaboration with the Afghan Citadel Company, opened their third Internet classroom at……
Still from First Day Anderson West joined the Film Annex platform less than 2 years ago with First Day, a very promising short film……
Hi everyone! On June 26th, Film Annex is opening the third Internet classroom in collaboration with the Afghan Citadel Company, this……
Hi everyone, This week we introduce you to Jack Tew, a filmmaker who has been with us for a while but never had his "moment" on our……
Still from Connect 4. Andy Parker joined Film Annex at the beginning of 2012 and it took only a few months for his Web TV to be ready……
Still from Persephone Lisa Stock, who joined us two years ago, is one of the most active filmmakers on our platform. She regularly……
Happy weekend everybody! You know Film Annex as a film distribution platform where you can also finance your films. It is also a community……
Read this post in Dari/Farsi (دری / فارسی). Read this post in Russian (Читайте этот блог на русском……
Hi everyone, Starting this week, all your blogs and film profiles will have an "About the Author" section at the bottom, displaying……
Most of us have been watching videos online for years. But have you ever wondered how much of our society has been changed by it?……
Still from The Earl of Bureas Charles Pieper has been on Film Annex for several years and has trusted his Web TV for promoting his……
Happy weekend, everyone! This week, we are catching up with two of our filmmakers, re-watching their short films, and getting updates……
Still from Ready or Not Mark Kuczewski joined us a couple of years ago and is one of the most successful filmmakers on our platform.……
Hi everyone, This week, we are featuring the work of three talented animators from The Netherlands. Meet Ton Meijdam, Thom Snels,……
Read this post in Dari/Farsi (دری / فارسی ). Read this post in Russian (Читайте этот блог на русском……
Film Annex rewards all filmmakers with advertising revenues generated on their Web TV channels. The revenues are based on a scoring……
All writers on Film Annex are compensated based on their BuzzScores. The BuzzScore of a writer who is part of The Annex Press is higher……
You might not know it, but the future of television is at stake. Okay, so maybe saying that is a little melodramatic. There is nothing……
Still from Garden of Fetish. Karlis Vitols is one of our most active filmmakers on our platform. His Web TV, featured in April 2012,……
When people talk about the benefits of online video, one term that comes up fairly often is "audience engagement." This is the capacity……
Still from the short film Rough Patch. Tim Orchard has been part of the Film Annex community for a few years, and is regularly presenting……
Happy mid-week, everyone! This week, we chose to highlight the work of an Italian animator and filmmaker, Beatrice Ciampi. While attending……
Behind the scenes of The Arctic Circle. Kevin Parry is a young filmmaker who joined Film Annex only a few months ago, yet, his talent……
The Internet brought a whole new different face to many professions in term or distribution. Of course, we instantly think of bookstores,……
Walt Disney Pictures has released the new poster for Marvel's The Avengers, opening in 3D, 2D and IMAX 3D theaters on May 4. Written……
SplashNews Online (via 5min) has posted a video of Zachary Quinto and Benedict Cumberbatch fighting on the set of J.J. Abrams' next……
Check out the almost 9-minute trailer for Movie: The Movie using the player below. Featured are Meryl Streep, George Clooney, Tom……
Vin Diesel has shared two more photos from the set of Riddick on his Facebook page and you can check them out below. You can check……
Director Ridley Scott has revealed more about Guy Pearce's role in Prometheus, which is scheduled to hit theaters on June 8. Scott……
The trailer and poster for IFC Films' The Moth Diaries have debuted at Yahoo! Movies and The Playlist, respectively. Starring Sarah……
MTV has posted these first two photos from the set of J.J. Abrams' next Star Trek movie that feature Spock (Zachary Quinto) and Uhura……
Maumau Web TV thank Film Annex for their Web TV initiative, which is perfect for independent filmmakers to promote……
Warner Bros. Pictures has released the new trailer for Wrath of the Titans, directed by Jonathan Liebesman. Opening in 3D, 2D and……
Disney•Pixar has released, via iTunes Movie Trailers, an all-new trailer for their upcoming Brave. Check it out in the player below!……
A new poster for Disney•Pixar's Brave is now online, courtesy of iTunes Movie Trailers Directed by Mark Andrews and Brenda Chapman,……
Columbia Pictures has released, through, director Sam Mendes' first video blog from the next James Bond adventure, Skyfall.……
In Men in Black 3, Agents J (Will Smith) and K (Tommy Lee Jones) are back... in time. J has seen some inexplicable things in his 15……
The film hitting theaters on April 6th, Summit Entertainment's The Cold Light of Day has debuted a new international trailer at MSN……
Walt Disney Pictures has revealed the poster for director Tim Burton's Frankenweenie on the film's official Facebook page! You can……
Producer Mark Canton revealed on the "The Matthew Aaron Show" that Jim Caviezel ("Person of Interest," The Passion of The Christ)……
A new photo from Walt Disney Pictures' Marvel's The Avengers has debuted in the new issue of Empire magazine and can be viewed below,……
Sony Pictures revealed the clip at the film's viral site at (click on the red spider to watch it there). Read……
Marvel's Facebook has released this new image of Agent Phil Coulson (Clark Gregg) and Thor (Chris Hemsworth) about the Helicarrier……
Douglas Fairbanks, Guy Williams, Antonio Banderas and others have played the iconic swashbuckling character Zorro, but now a new name……
Millennium Entertainment has debuted the new trailer for director Juan Carlos Fresnadillo's horror-thriller Intruders, opening in……
Little Big Love is a very touching short film by Tomas Mankovsky, about tiny robot that falls in love with an electric kettle. The……
Kino Gallery has revealed this new international poster for Wrath of the Titans, which hits 3D, 2D and IMAX theaters on March 30th.……
CBS Films has debuted the new trailer for Lasse Hallstrom's Salmon Fishing in the Yemen, starring Emily Blunt, Ewan McGregor, Kristin……
Twentieth Century Fox has revealed the first trailer for Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter, coming to theaters on June 22. Produced……
First announced for development at Warner Bros. just over a year ago, Harker is planned to offer a new take on the "Dracula" mythos.……
The trailer for Focus Features' Seeking a Friend at the End of the World has debuted at Yahoo! Movies and you can check it out below.……
Schwarzenegger on Whosay posted the following comment: "After all the action, stunts & physical abuse shooting The Expendables 2 and……
Universal Pictures has revealed the trailer and poster for The Bourne Legacy, starring Jeremy Renner, Rachel Weisz, Edward Norton,……
Marvel Studios announced that they will be sponsoring a Global Twitter Chat on Tuesday, January 31, 2012 at 11 a.m. (PST) with cast……
Entertainment Weekly has debuted this new poster for Relativity Media's The Raven, which was moved back from March 9th to April 27th……